Saturday, September 15, 2012



        So, today (15th September 2012) me and my friends from Elementary School decided to meet up today on Sency! (Senayan City) I don't know why but everything started from my friend's tweet._. so we promised to meet up :D

We're watching in Sency's XXI together. It should be all of us but it turns out its only 10 of us; Me, Jason, Clarissa, Eishia, Asyifa, Aliya, Shifa, Rayhan, Eki, Kyla. We decided to watch Resident Evil V on 14:05

Resident Evil Retribution
        While waiting for the movie started, we're eating lunch first in the 5th floor. We're all eating fiesta steak! I wanted to eat Hokahoka bento... but the queue is so long._. i decided to eat steak. After eating we're finally watching Resident Evil ;)

After watching, we're taking pictures! and took a walk in the lower floor. So in the end we're taking a rest at J.CO .__. and everyones fighting for Jason to take a photo with him...

Including me ;D

A funny thing occured, though:
Both Eishia and Jason holding hands since we saw them-_- please note that both of them have girl/boy
band friend HAHA=D
Sooooo basically Eishia and Asyifa is holding Jason's hands all the time haha girls these days, ugh
Anddddd when everyone takes pictures of him he keeps covering his face...NO FUN AT ALL! :(((



RAYHAN! *Aliya's Boyfriend*
EKI :o
I'm running out of ideas for what to do so i used his glasses :D thennnnn when we're at J.CO i have funny pictures of Shifa :3 ._.
SHIFA *SheepA*
Jason keeps saying he had to go home...and continued saying it but he never got home anyway-_- so we pulled him to sit down on J.CO again HAHA!! *Bezment78 rules, yeah*



And....The End! That was fun guys! Never forget BezMent78! {}

Friday, September 7, 2012

The Bourne Legacy (action movie)

          Aaron Cross is a member of Operation Outcome, a Department of Defense black ops program, which enhances the physical and mental abilities of field operative through pills called "chems". Cross is deployed to Alaska for a training assignment, where he must survive certain activities and traverse terrain to arrive at a remote cabin. the cabin is operated by an exiled Outcome operative, Number Three, who upon, inform Cross that he broke the previous mission record by two days.
          Faced with the impact of the events of The Bourne Ultimatum, the CIA decided to close the "Operation Outcome, 'and replace' with Operation Treadstone". Aaron Cross, an agency of Operation Outcome and Stephanie Snyder a physician who helped create Outcome agent, must find a way to escape before Byer CIA agent kill them.

1. Aaron Cross -- Jeremy Renner
2. Number Three -- Oscar Isaac
3. Stephanie Snyder -- Rachel Weisz
4. Byer CIA agent -- Edward Norton

Comment : I watched this movie. I think the film is a bit confusing. I think this movie is too much talk scenes and the action scenes only at the end of this movie but still cool! You have to watch this movie! Jeremy Renner is so cool!! ;;)

Thursday, September 6, 2012



jadi gini ceritanya....gue tuh kebiasaan banget kalo abis ngunci loker, kuncinya lupa gue ambil dann hari ini itu bikin disaster banget >.< huft! seperti biasa gue lupa nyabut kunci loker setelah pelajaran seni musik. padahal ya dalem loker isinya tugas sejarah, mukenah, alquran, buku pelajaran dll. lebih parahnya lagi gue baru nyadar abis pelajaran b.indo pas gue mau ngambil mukenah HADOOOH!! *panik* ceritanya nih ya gue panik banget! mukenah gue dan zhula ada disitu! kita nyari2 dari lantai 3 sampai 1 bolak balik dengan muka yang tegang haha. kita sampe nanya ke anak2 sama guru2. *makinpanik* terus tiba2 zhula keinget sama Pak Adi yang suka ngumpulin kunci2 loker, terus kita nemuin pak adi di ruang guru. awalnya sih ya gue gayakin kalau pak adi nemuin kunci loker gue tapi secara tiba2 pak adi nyuruh gue sama zhula nanyi!! *jengjeng* akhirnya gue nyanyi duluan di depan guru2 *awkward* gue nyanyi lagunya Whitney Houston yang I Will Always Love You terus zhula nyanyi lagu Balonku tapi pake U semua haha. mana pas dia lagi nyanyi dia lupa urutan warnanya -_-. selesai kita nyanyi......*jengjengjeng* sebuah permata yang bergantungan flashdisk  dan kunci loke keluar dari kanto pak adi. YEAAYYY!! seneng banget!! syukuurr....dan gara2 kejadian itu..akhirnya gue punya tema buat ulangan b.indo tentang buku harian haha. Cool day ever!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Saya belum kenalan nih, hehe.

Nama saya Najma Almira Miftach, panggil aja Najma. Sebenernya blognya masih kosong, isinya tugas, pengalaman, dll. Saya sekolah di SMP Labschool Kebayoran kelas 7. Temem-temen deket saya itu yang namanya Asyifa, Dhara, Fayka, Tyara, dan Nadira. Cukup segitu aja ya perkenalannya, cukup sekian dan terima kasih :)

Economy - CSR (Company Social Responsibility)

Pada hari Kamis tanggal 30 Agustus 2012 pada pukul 16.15, kami kelompok 6 melakukan kunjungan ke suatu perusahaan, yaitu PT. Gajah Tunggal Group. Tujuan dari kunjungan kami adalah untuk mengetahui kegiatan sosial apa sajakah yang dilakukan di perusahaan ini dengan melakukan wawancara ke salah satu karyawan perusahaan ini. Adapun hasil wawancara saya rangkum sebagai berikut:

Perusahaan PT. Gajah Tunggal Group dibangun/dibentuk dan dimulai pada tahun 1970, perusahaan ini dimiliki oleh Bpk. Samsul Nursalim. Menururut hasil wawancara saya kegiatan sosial yang biasa dilakukan oleh perusahaan ini antara lain:
·         Mengundang anak-anak yatim, piatu dan yatim piatu untuk berbuka puasa bersama di bulan Ramadhan
·         Memberikan zakat kepada anak-anak yatim, piatu dan yatim piatu yang biasa dilaksanakan pada bulan Ramadhan
·         Melakukan kunjungan ke panti-panti asuhan terdekat untuk melakukan sosialisasi dan makan bersama.
·         Melakukan shalat berjamaah bagi seluruh karyawan atau pekerja perusahaan tersebut yang biasa dilakukan di Masjid Taman Firdaus yang berada di gedung perusahaan utama PT. Gajah Tunggal Group yang didirikan pada tahun 1990.
·         Memberikan beasiswa kepada anak-anak kurang mampu yang berbakat dan berprestasi.