Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Dino Patti Djalal USINDO

Transcript of Speech by Ambassador Dino Patti Djalal
at USINDO Welcoming Dinner Hotel Ritz-Carlton Washington DC, 16 September, 2010:

• After remarks by Assistant Secretary of State for East Asia and the Pacific Mr. Kurt Campbell and introduction by President of USINDO, David Merrill.
• Ambassador Dino Patti Djalal presented his credentials to President Barack Obama around noon, 16 September 2010
• This speech can be viewed on Youtube. Keyword search : “Dino Patti Djalal USINDO”


No pressure ........ (laughter)
Thank you David for your generous introduction.
There are only two people who used to wake me up at midnight in Jakarta. First, President SBY because he is a workaholic who likes to work late into
the night. Second is David Merril because when it's midnight in Jakarta it's lunchtime in Washington DC. (laughter)
We are very honored to have with us tonight Senator Kitt Bond and his lovely wife Linda, thank you for coming. Senato Bond is a great American and a great friend of Indonesia, and because I want to keep it that way I will make no jokes about him. (laughter) I remember when I served here 10 years ago, Indonesia was at a low point. But high point or low point, Senator Bond always stood by Indonesia and kept his faith in us, which is the mark of a true friend. So thank you Senator, for your steadfast friendship. (applause)


I return to America, for the third time, as part of a journey to find answers to some pretty big questions of our time.
What happens when the world's only superpower and the country largest muslims constructively engage one another ? Can they help cement relations between Islam and the west ? Can they help create a world marked not by clash but confluence of civilizations?
What can be achieved when the world's largest greenhouse emitters work with the country with the largest tropical rainforests, the ultimate anti- emission weapon ? Can our joint efforts help save the planet ?
What is the best way for Indonesia, America and ASEAN to promote peace and progress in the Asia Pacific and beyond ?
How do we better connect 230 million Indonesians with 320 million Americans ? And most importantly, how do we manage these complicated connections to ensure that they bring more jobs, more knowledge, more opportunities, more empowerment, more understanding, more peace to our good peoples ?
These are pretty big questions and I will devote all my energy to find answers.
Before I got on the plane to America, a small delegation of people came to the airport to see us off.
They were the principals and students from the Elementary school, where the young Barack Obama went to school. They came to hand over to me a bunch of letters for President Obama, which I happily delivered to the President through the State Department. With your permission, I wish to read one of the letters. It is written by hand, and it reads like this :
Jakarta, 7 September 2010

Dear Mr. Obama, the President of The USA.

First of all, let me introduce myself My name is Najma, I am 9 years old girl and I’m a fifth grader at SDN Menteng 01.
I am so happy because I have been given an opportunity to convey my dreams and hopes although indirectly. I hope Mr. President would receive this and read it through.
As a student of SDN Menteng 01, I am very proud to have been given an opportunity to learn in a school that have made a President. President of a big country; United States of America. A super power nation that become a barometer for the entire country in the world. USA has now a reference for all countries in the world, whether in science, technology and culture.
Just like you, I also dream of becoming a great man. The man who is able to work and contribute to the progress. My dream world (is) full of joy and no fear. Where the nations in it are friends with each other, tolerance, harmony and no war. Children can play, attend school, have a place to live and live with people they love.
Mr. President, as well as a leader of a major country you are also a world leader. I’m sure you could do much to the progress and world peace. Hold out your hand to help poor countries and stop the terrible war. I am sure, you can. Especially to SDN Menteng 01. I wish I could talk to and meet directly with you if I am given a chance because you are my motivator. You move me to reach my dreams directly. You are the person that makes me confident that I could become a useful person. You have built my spirit.
Thank you Mr. President. God Bless you and your family. Yours Sincerely
Najma Almira Miftach

Little Najma wrote that letter for President Obama. But the more I read it, the more I realized that the letter was written not just for President Obama, but also for America.
For all of you.

Can we answer the hopes and prayers of Najma ?
I believe President Obama will say : Yes, we can. Presiden SBY will say : Harus Bisa.
And I say : Insya Allah, we will. I thank you.
(ends) (standing ovation)

Sebuah surat itu saya buat ketika saya berada di Semarang. Saya membuat surat tersebut karena pada saat itu Presiden Amerika, Barack Obama yang merupakan alumni SDBI Menteng 01 mengunjungi Indonesia. Saya bersama teman2 saya mengunjungi bandara Soetta untuk menyerahkan surat tersebut kepada bapak Dino Patti Djalal dan kita disambut dengan meriah pada saat itu.

Terima Kasih.

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