Sunday, April 14, 2013

Charles Darwin

I think you already know who is 'Charles Darwin'. Well, Charles Darwin was a British Naturalist of the Nineteenth centuryand the one who invinted 'The Theory of Evolution'

          Charles Robert Darwin was born in Shrewsbury, Shropshire on 12th February 1809. He was the fifth of six children of wealthy society doctor and financier, Robert Darwin and Susannah Wedgwood. Charles was married to his cousin, Emma Wedgwood and had 10 children.
  1. William Erasmus Darwin (27 December 1839 - 1914)
  2. Anne Elizabeth Darwin (2 March 1841 - 23 April 1815)
  3. Mary Eleanor Darwin (23 September 1842 - 16 October 1842)
  4. Henrietta Emma Darwin (25 September 1843 - 1929)
  5. George Howard Darwin ( 9 July 1845 - 7 December 1912)
  6. Elizabeth Darwin (8 July 1847 - 1929)
  7. Francis Darwin (16 August 1848 - 19 September 1925)
  8. Leonard Darwin (15 Januari 1850 -26 March 1943)
  9. Horace Darwin (13 May 1951 - 29 September 1928)
  10. Charles Warling Darwin (6 December 1856 - 28 June 1858)


          Charles Darwin was studied at the University of Edinburgh Medical School (1825) and then he learned about Taxidemy from John Edmonstone and joined a group of natural history's student. After he learned about taxidemy, he learned about classification of plantd at the University Museum (one of the largest museum at a time) an he studied Paley's Natural Theology at Cambridge. Actually, there are mangy more, but I can't mention all of it.


          Actually, Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection is one of the best substained theories in the history of since. This theory forms the basis for the modern life science. And because of this theory, there are so many controversial comments about this theory. 
          Before this theory, Charles Darwin wrote some books. Darwin's most famous books are "The Origin of Species" and "The Descent of Man". His theory of evolution was based on one of his books. In the first edition of "The Origin of Species" (1859), Charles Darwin mentioned something about natural selection & mutation.

What is natural selection?
  • Natural selection can change a species in small ways. But, natural selection is also capable much more.
  • Natural selection can turn dinosaurs into birds, apes into humans, and amphibious mammals into birds
What is mutation?
  • Mutation : is the physical and behavioral change that can make natural selection possible happen at the level of DNA and genes.
  • Mutation can be caused by chemical or radiation damage of errors in DNA replication.
  • Most times, mutations are either harmful of neutral, but in rare instances, a mutation might prove benefical to the organism.


          In 1882, he was diagnosed with what was called "agina pectoris" (coronary thrombosis and disease of the heart). Then, before he died, he was diagnosed with "aginal attacks" and "heart-failure". Charles Darwin died at Down House on 19 April 1882. Actually, he had expected to be buried in St Mary's Churchyard at Downe, but William Spottiswoode arrange for Darwin to be buried in Westminster Abbey close to John Herschel and Isaac Newton.

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